See our



The landing factory for fresh raw material.

Production 24/7 during the season.

Appears today as one of the most modern and efficient factories in the industry.

NVG Herring800-1100 tons daily
Marinated Herring3500-4000 barrels daily
North Sea Herring500-600 tons daily
Mackerel4-5000 tons
Frizzing store5-500
Cold store6000 m2


The world's leading factory for processing of all types of mature products (naturally matured herring).

Production all year around.

Brekstad vestre

Logistics center (14 000 m2 cold store).

Storage space for approx. 250 000 barrels (20 000 tons) at (-2-4 C).

3 storages built in 2017/2018 /2019.

Nutri plant

Grøntvedt Pelagic will become the country’s and probably the world's first integrated pelagic plant, where 100 % of the raw materials are utilized for processing of consumer goods. Our by-products will be processed for human consumption protein meal and- oil produced by Grøntvedt Nutri.